We are excited to announce the 3rd Annual Kansas City ASG Sew-In! Join us Friday Feb 25 - Sunday Feb 27 for dedicated sewing time and Camaraderie. Unity Village hotel has a conference room where we will set up and sew for the weekend. The room is accessible to you around the clock, but will be locked when no one from our group is using the space. There are a large number of restaurants nearby with lunch and dinner options.
Registration is available here - Sew-in Registration As I write this letter, the holiday season is upon us. I know many of you are sewing gifts for loved ones this year. I hope those gifts of your time and effort provide joy for both you and the recipients. Isn’t it wonderful to be able to show our friends and family our love through sewing?!
Thank you to everyone who participated in our virtual Annual election this year. The 2022 Chapter Advisory Board members are as follows: President – Jill Moore Treasurer – Robin Pruitt Secretary – Jeannie New Education/Events – Karin Kraft-Stuppy Member – Debra Cole Community Service – Judy Foglio Newsletter – Karen Nelson Bland If you are interested in volunteering on the Board, or have suggestions, please reach out to one of us. The email addresses for all CAB members can be found on the chapter website – kansascityasg.org Our 3rd Annual Sew-In scheduled for February 25, 26, and 27, 2022! We will post a link for registration before the end of the year. |
August 2024