Are you starting to think about Fall sewing? I’m working on a “teacher” wardrobe for my daughter who just started her professional career.
Robin Pruitt attended the National ASG Conference held in San Francisco representing the Kansas City Chapter. The conference attendance was still quite small compared to pre-pandemic numbers. This was the last national conference in an in-person format. ASG membership continues to decline nationally. Our chapter membership has held steady this year. I welcome suggestions for engaging our members to keep the Kansas City Chapter active. If you have suggestions, please let me or another CAB member know. We have a few events coming up this Fall including a community service event hosted by the Southeastern Jackson County neighborhood group and our annual chapter meeting on Oct 19 at The Fabric Chic in Parkville. You will see a copy of the ballot of officers for the 2025 Chapter Advisory Board in the newsletter. I’m excited to where this new slate of officers takes the Chapter in the coming year! If you are interested in serving on the Chapter Advisory Board in any capacity, please reach out to me or any member of the current CAB. We would love to see new faces and hear new ideas. I encourage you to attend a neighborhood group meeting to spend time with those who share your sewing interests. Happy Sewing! Jill The chapter advisory board is seeking volunteers for many
positions for this year and 2025. If you are interested in volunteering, please let me know at [email protected] We would love to have new voices and fresh ideas to lead the chapter. Open positions: President - this individual must have served on the CAB – this position would begin in Jan 2025 Newsletter Editor Education/Events Committee Membership Committee Community Service Committee Website administrator Retail liaison Committee By now you should have received the invitation to attend the final in-person ASG conference that will be held June 27 – July 1, 2024 in San Francisco. There is still time to register for classes. If you are interested in attending this event you can find more information on the American Sewing Guild website – Locally, Karin Kraft-Stuppy is busy arranging some fun classes and field trips for the chapter. Watch for email updates coming soon. Happy Sewing! Jill The holiday season is in full swing. I know many of you are sewing gifts for loved ones this year. I hope those gifts of your time and effort provide joy for both you and the recipients. Isn’t it wonderful to be able to show our friends and family our love through sewing?
Thank you to everyone who attended the Annual Meeting or submitted their proxy vote. There was a good discussion around the types of programs members would like to see in 2024. The speaker at our meeting was Jenny Allen who gave a very interesting talk about textiles and her evolving work in that area. The 2024 Chapter Advisory Board members are as follows: President – Jill Moore Treasurer – Robin Pruitt Secretary – Jeannie New Education/Events – Karin Kraft-Stuppy Member – Debra Cole Community Service – Judy Foglio Newsletter – Karen Nelson Bland Social Media – Madeline Fox If you are interested in volunteering on the Board, or have suggestions, please reach out to one of us. The email addresses for all CAB members can be found on the chapter website – Have you heard that the 2024 National ASG conference will be held in San Francisco? The national CAB is discussing changing the format of this event after 2024. If you are interested in attending the national conference in person, this may be your last opportunity. I encourage you to try out a neighborhood or special interest group to meet friends on a similar sewing journey. Happy Sewing! Jill 2024 Officer openings 2023/2024 committee openings Did you know that Chapter Advisory Board officers and committee chairs can serve for a maximum of 4 consecutive years? Most of our current CAB will rotate off in 2024. We are looking for CAB volunteers who are enthusiastic about ASG and would like to guide the chapter going forward. If you, or someone you know, would help lead our chapter, please reach out to any of the current CAB members (listed below) and let us know!
Open positions for 2024 are: President - this individual must have served on the CAB Education/Events Membership Community Service Website Publicity Retail liaison We would welcome new voices to work with the current chair on any of these committees in 2023. Education/Events Membership Community Service Website Publicity Retail liaison Join us for the KC ASG Annual Meeting!
Saturday, 10/29/2022 at 9am - We are meeting at The Fabric Chic in Parkville, MO We will start the morning with a short chapter business meeting and the election of officers. After elections, our speaker will be Sandy Cahill of “Be Weave Me” textile art business. Sandy showcases her hand woven and hand knitted textile art in Art Galleries and Juried Art Shows throughout the Kansas City Area. In her Parkville, Missouri studio, Sandy hand weaves fabric using her large floor loom. From the hand woven fabric, Sandy creates unique organically shaped textile sculptural art as well as original design wearable art garments. This sure to be an interesting and original presentation. The Southeastern Jackson County Neighborhood Group will be hosting
a community service sew-in on Saturday, September 24, 2022 beginning at 9:00 am.. The location is Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 350 SW 150 Highway, Lee's Summit MO. Our focus will be on sewing purses for Anyone may attend, we will need those who can cut patterns, assemble kits, and of course, sew the purses together. Sew Powerful, a non-profit organization, asks seamstresses from around the world to make and donate a purse for a schoolgirl in Zambia. The purse is filled with re-usable feminine hygiene supplies made by those employed in Zambia by Sew Powerful. The girl receives the purse and supplies in her health training class to enable her to attend school all month and improve her academic performance. We will sew cross-body purses from the free pattern provided by Sew Powerful and contribute to their goal of 24,000 purses If you need additional information about the sew-in, please contact Debbie Cole (816) 520-7437.
I hope everyone is enjoying these first few days of Summer!
My sewing has been slow these past few months as I learn new skills. I’ve been expanding my bag making skills and working on improving my cutting/tracing skills with a projector. I enjoy expanding my sewing skillset beyond my normal garment sewing, but it sure does slow me down! Do you enjoy learning new techniques or trying sewing projects that are outside your “normal” sewing? By now you should have received the invitation to attend the national ASG conference scheduled for June 30-July 3 in Austin Texas. There is still time to sign-up for classes. If you are interested in attending this event you can find more information on the American Sewing Guild website – All of our neighborhood groups are back to meeting in person and I encourage you to attend a neighborhood group meeting to spend time with those who share your sewing interests. Happy Sewing! Jill We are excited to announce the 3rd Annual Kansas City ASG Sew-In! Join us Friday Feb 25 - Sunday Feb 27 for dedicated sewing time and Camaraderie. Unity Village hotel has a conference room where we will set up and sew for the weekend. The room is accessible to you around the clock, but will be locked when no one from our group is using the space. There are a large number of restaurants nearby with lunch and dinner options.
Registration is available here - Sew-in Registration As I write this letter, the holiday season is upon us. I know many of you are sewing gifts for loved ones this year. I hope those gifts of your time and effort provide joy for both you and the recipients. Isn’t it wonderful to be able to show our friends and family our love through sewing?!
Thank you to everyone who participated in our virtual Annual election this year. The 2022 Chapter Advisory Board members are as follows: President – Jill Moore Treasurer – Robin Pruitt Secretary – Jeannie New Education/Events – Karin Kraft-Stuppy Member – Debra Cole Community Service – Judy Foglio Newsletter – Karen Nelson Bland If you are interested in volunteering on the Board, or have suggestions, please reach out to one of us. The email addresses for all CAB members can be found on the chapter website – Our 3rd Annual Sew-In scheduled for February 25, 26, and 27, 2022! We will post a link for registration before the end of the year. |
August 2024