Saturday, November 15th, 10:00 a.m. Join us on Saturday, November 15, 2014 for the Annual Meeting and Election. Our program for this year's meeting will feature Betsy Blodgett, who will host a Chapter Fashion Show. Betsy, a long-time Kansas City ASG member, is with Indygo Junction Patterns and Crafts, Amy Barickman Designs. She will be bringing garments constructed from Indygo Junction patterns, which attendees may model. Or, you are welcome - and encouraged - to wear something you have made from any pattern in the fashion show. Amy Barickman not only has fashion patterns, but also bags and home décor patterns, as well as a line of Crossroads denim fabric. Fabric and patterns will be available for purchase at this event. We hope all attendees will participate in the fashion show. If you wish to model trunk show garments or any of your own creations, please email [email protected] to let us know - the sooner the better.
Door prizes include autographed copies of Nancy Zieman's "Seems Unlikely," and Lynda Maynard's "Couture Sewing Techniques." We also expect to have some fabric for sale. The business meeting and election will start at 10 a.m., followed by lunch (included) and the fashion show. We expect to conclude at approximately 2 p.m. Please advise us by Wednesday, November 12th, if you have any dietary restrictions ([email protected]). This event will be held at the Hilton Garden Inn Overland Park Convention Center at 5800 College Blvd. in Overland Park, KS 66211. Go to the payment page of to sign up, or send your check for $15 made payable to "Kansas City ASG" to: Susie Wood, KCASG Treasurer, 8110 Ravenswood Lane, DeSoto, KS 66018 Comments are closed.
August 2024