It has come to my attention that there are questions regarding the new ASG junior membership and the qualifications, limitations, and expectations. If you have any concerns about the new ASG junior membership level and/or the TAG program, I request that you first read the entire article in the latest KC chapter newsletter, Stitch ‘N Times, as well as the article from Ramona Baird, the ASG Education Director, in the current fall issue of Notions magazine on page 2. If you still have questions, I will try to answer them to the best of my knowledge or find out, as chapters nationwide await updated materials and documentation on this great new membership level that ASG National Headquarters has developed for us and our youth. This topic will also be addressed at the chapter annual meeting, November 10, 2012, at Roeland Park Community Center (see below for post regarding the annual meeting and to download the registration form).
Tina Gordon, President Kansas City Chapter of the American Sewing Guild Advancing Sewing as an Art and Life Skill Comments are closed.
August 2024